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Legal Services

Most people who bring or defend legal action through the court instruct a solicitor to act on their behalf and represent them throughout proceedings.


However, it is becoming increasingly popular for people to represent themselves in legal proceedings. A person who represents themselves in proceedings is known as a litigant in person.


You may not be aware of this, but people who chose to deal with a matter themselves are entitled to have assistance, whether it be from a family member or friend or a professional; unless there are exceptional circumstances preventing them from doing this.


How Can We Assist You?

At Time Together Contact Centre we fully support your decision to represent yourself, however, recognise from time to time you may still need to seek advice and assistance concerning your case.


We are not solicitors. You will therefore remain in the driving seat and have full control of your case.


We, are, a McKenzie Friend. A McKenzie friend is a person who provides support and assistance to people representing themselves when faced with legal issues.


The term ‘McKenzie Friend’ comes from the case of McKenzie v McKenzie, where in 1970 the court decided that an unrepresented party should be allowed to have a friend in court to support them.


You represent yourself and we provide you with support and assistance.


What Can A McKenzie Friend Do?

  • Provide you with advice on any aspect of your case

  • Attend court hearings and sit next to you


A person is entitled to choose their own McKenzie friend. 


Despite this, you still must obtain permission of the court to have a McKenzie friend with you at court.


We must provide our CV and a letter outlining our experience for you to give to the court and the other parties involved. We also have a duty to confirm to the court that we understand our duty of confidentiality and have no personal interest in the outcome of your case.


  • Provide you with moral support

  • Take notes during your hearing

  • Be shown court papers


Normally, case papers in family proceedings are confidential and are only allowed to be shown to those involved in the case.


However, you are allowed to show us your court paperwork so that we can discuss your case with you and advise you accordingly. This might include court applications, court orders, witness statements etc.


  • Help with case papers


Whilst you will remain in full control of your case we are able to assist you get your paperwork together and in the right order for any upcoming hearings, help with documentation you may need to prepare or help you find where you need to send your documents.


  • Maintain confidentiality about your case


What Can’t A McKenzie Friend Do?


×             Act as your agent


We ARE NOT Solicitors and therefore DO NOT perform the role of one.


You are responsible for all correspondence and decision making in connection with your case. You should not use our address for letters or email.


×             Manage your case outside of court


We ARE NOT Solicitors and therefore DO NOT perform the role of one.


As you are representing yourself you are responsible for managing your own case and making your own decisions in connection with this.


Whilst we are able to assist you to draft documentation, you are in charge of what is written, it is written in your own words and all documentation must be signed by yourself.


×             Carry out conduct of litigation


Unless, the court grants us permission to do so.


×             Act as an advocate


We do not have rights of audience before the court, unless the court grants us permission to do.

This means we cannot address the court, make submissions to the court on your behalf, or examine witnesses.


You will therefore be the person who addresses the court and states your case.

Get in Touch


Room 8, First Floor Steeple House,

Brecon, LD3 7DJ



Tel:  01874 611 089


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