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Child Inclusive Mediation

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Child Therapy

What is Child Inclusive Mediation?

When parents come to mediation they frequently discuss what their lives look like now they have separated.


A fundamental part of their decision making will likely include what will be best for the children.


As you can imagine children also have concerns about the changes taking place in their family and will have worries about what lies ahead, for example :


  • Where will they live?

  • Will they stay in the same house?

  • How will they see both of their parents?

  • What about their friends, clubs, school, activities?

  • How about family pets … will they see the dog?

  • What about Grandma and Grandad?

Child Therapy Office

Child Inclusive Mediation gives children a voice and an opportunity to share their worries and concerns whilst their parents are in mediation without the pressure of feeling responsible for decision making or feeling that they have to take sides.


Your mediator will talk to you about how your children can contribute, and if you both agree, the mediator will arrange to meet with your children separately to the meetings between you and the other person. 


Your mediator will discuss with your children the things you agree need to be considered such as if you are thinking of selling the family home how will that affect them? And how they will see both parents now you are separated? Including your children in mediation provides them with an opportunity to express any concerns. This is particularly useful as their concerns are often different from yours.


The meeting with the children is confidential and they can then decide how their views and opinions are relayed to you as their parents.


At Time Together Family Mediation all our child-inclusive mediators are DBS checked to enhanced level.

Child Therapy Office

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