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Children's creativity

Time Together 
Contact Centre

Contact Centre

Time Together Contact Centre is an enhanced accredited children's contact centre, providing various contact services for children and their non resident parent/ carers or alternative contact adult to spend time together as a family.

Family Mediation
At Time Together Contact Centre we also offer a Family Mediation Service. Where our 
Family Mediator helps you to turn your arguments into agreements by helping you make decisions for the future, to enable you to move on with your lives.

McKenzie Friend 
At Time Together Contact Centre we recognise the expense of obtaining legal advice and therefore offer a McKenzie Friend to support and assist those going through family law proceedings. 





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Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”

Leo Buscaglia


Time Together Contact Centre is an enhanced accredited children's contact centre, where we aim to provide a safe, neutral, comfortable place for children to spend family time with their non-resident parent or carer or other close family members or friends; with the help and support of trained staff. 


Time Together Contact Centre was created by our Founder & Centre Co-ordinator, Sophie Box, who during her career as a family solicitor discovered the need for services in Powys whereby children and their non resident parent/carer could spend time together. 


At Time Together Contact Centre we also offer a Family Mediation Service. Where our Family Mediator helps you to turn your arguments into agreements by helping you make decisions for the future, to enable you to move on with your lives.



 At Time Together Contact Centre we also recognise the expense of obtaining legal advice and therefore offer a McKenzie Friend to support and assist those going through family law proceedings. It helps you focus on the issues affecting both of you, for example, parenting, property and money, and what to do about it all now that you are separated. This may be when you separate or at any point in the future. 




Time Together Contact Centre is an enhanced accredited children's contact centre, providing various contact services for children and and their parent(s) or connected other* to spend time together as a family with the help and support of our trained staff.

*The term connected other refers to grandparents, aunties, uncles, cousins and those that have shared a close relationship with the child(ren).


These contact sessions will be supervised by staff. During these sessions your child/children will remain within sight and sound of the superviser at all times. 


Observations will be made, and reports will be written; such observations may be produced as evidence in court.



During these contact sessions staff will be present to ensure the comfort of those engaging in the service. 


Direct observations will not be made, and reports will not be written. 




During these contact sessions, contact will take place within the community; on a supervised or supported basis.


Contact may occur in places like a coffee shop, soft play, cinema etc.





Handover provides a supportive environment whereby your child can move from one parent/contact adult to the other parent/contact adult ready for contact. 


Handovers can take place at our Centre or in a suitable community location.


Indirect contact is used where direct contact is either unsafe, unworkable and or not in the child’s best interests.


Indirect Contact includes sending letters or cards or sending gifts.


This is a form of contact that takes place online, using video messaging software like Teams, Zoom, Facetime, Skype.


Virtual contact can be either supervised or supported.


Escorted Contact, is very similar to community contact, however in our setting when we refer to Escorted Contact we mean contact taking place in a place out of the setting, where you are required to be escorted for contact to take place. ​


For instance, if your child is in hospital or if you are in prison. ​This can occur on a supervised or supported basis.

Kids Playing with Lego
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Family mediation is a process that allows families to negotiate future arrangements for their property & finances and for their children with the assistance of a neutral third party. 




​Family mediators help you to turn your arguments into agreements by helping you make decisions for the future, to enable you to move on with your lives.


It helps you focus on the issues affecting both of you, for example, parenting, property and money, and what to do about it all now that you are separated. This may be when you separate or at any point in the future. 



A MIAM is a Mediation Information Assessment Meeting.


It is a pre-mediation meeting between you and a mediator to find out about mediation and explore ways to find solutions to your dispute.


In the MIAM the mediator will discuss :


  • What your options might be.

  • What mediation is, and how it works.

  • The benefits of mediation and other appropriate forms of resolving disputes.

  • The likely costs of using mediation.

  • If you are eligible for Mediation Voucher and/or Legal Aid.


Child Inclusive Mediation gives children a voice and an opportunity to share their worries and concerns whilst their parents are in mediation without the pressure of feeling responsible for decision making or feeling that they have to take sides.

Children playing at kindergarden



Address: Room 8, First Floor Steeple House, Brecon, LD3 7DJ

Tel:  01874 611 089


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